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Biden's Handling of Bridge Collapse Stirs Up Immigration and Infrastructure Debate

Glenn Gilmour, 4/7/2024Folks, Biden's disastrous policies are tearing this nation apart! From coddling illegal immigrants to undermining our ally Israel, he's selling out hardworking Americans. The bridge collapse exposed his failed leadership - we demand action to rebuild with American steel and workers, not more liberal pandering! It's time to take back our country in 2024 before it's too late!
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Following the devastating collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, President Joe Biden is now at the center of a fierce political storm. His reaction to the tragedy has sparked intense debates on immigration policies and infrastructure priorities. In the midst of the chaos and sorrow, Biden's remarks have resonated across the political spectrum, garnering both strong backing and harsh backlash.

On the disaster site, Biden's solicitous tone struck a chord with immigration advocacy groups, as he proclaimed, "Six [men] lost their lives: Most were immigrants, but all were Marylanders." This statement, interpreted by some as an implicit endorsement of illegal immigration, aligned seamlessly with the agenda of organizations like -- a prominent pro-migration group bankrolled by deep-pocketed West Coast investors. Todd Schulte, the president of, swiftly accompanied Biden's speech with a call to action: "We encourage you to read more from our [left-wing, pro-migration] partners at CASA."

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Yet, this overture to the Latino community has raised eyebrows and concerns, particularly within the African American electorate -- a demographic that has historically been a bedrock of support for the Democratic Party. As Biden's mass migration policy becomes increasingly unpopular among voters, many fear a potential exodus of black support -- a seismic shift that could reverberate through the 2024 electoral landscape. The stark reality is that many African Americans are acutely aware of the economic and social displacement wrought by the steady influx of migrant workers, a phenomenon underscored by recent spikes in black unemployment rates. "When accounting for gender, the unemployment rate for Black women aged 20 or older spiked to 5.6%, a big increase from the 4.4% rate in February. Black men's jobless rates climbed slightly higher to 6.2% from 6.1%," reported, casting a spotlight on the disproportionate impact on the black community.

The growing influence of Latino migrants in Baltimore's political arena was further crystallized by Maryland Governor Wes Moore's symbolic gesture -- a portion of his speech delivered in Spanish, a subtle nod that resonates deeply with both supporters and detractors of Biden's immigration stance.

Compounding the controversy is the clash between Biden and the conservative House Freedom Caucus over the rebuilding of the ill-fated bridge. While Biden vowed to "move heaven and earth" to reconstruct the vital artery using union labor and American steel, the caucus outlined stringent conditions -- including waiving union agreements, environmental regulations, and offsetting costs. Moreover, the caucus demanded that Biden lift his pause on approvals for liquefied natural gas (LNG) export projects before Congress considers appropriating funds for the bridge reconstruction, stating, "[The] Biden Administration's pause on approvals of liquified natural gas export terminals -- which, like the Baltimore harbor closure, has severe implications for foreign trade -- must be lifted before Congress considers appropriating any funding for the bridge reconstruction."

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This partisan chasm extends beyond the confines of domestic policy, reaching into the volatile realm of foreign affairs -- where Biden's two-faced approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has drawn scathing criticism. While providing military support to Israel, the administration has simultaneously courted the Democratic Party's far-left wing by publicly chastising the Jewish state's conduct -- a delicate balancing act that critics argue undermines America's strategic interests and emboldens adversaries.

As one expert warned, "President Biden's warnings to Bibi are being heard loudest and clearest by our enemies who are relishing in the thought of Israel being abandoned by the US. His remarks made the US that much more vulnerable to such attacks." This interference in Israeli politics, such as inviting Benny Gantz, Netanyahu's rival, to Washington, has been seen by some as a thinly veiled effort to remove the Israeli leader. Such a move could have significant implications for regional stability and the global fight against terrorism.

However, amidst the numerous controversies and divisive language, Biden's campaign funds continue to grow, surpassing those of his main competitor, former President Donald Trump. In just the first quarter of 2024, Biden's fundraising machine collected a whopping $187 million, with an unprecedented $90 million in March alone. Yet, behind this financial strength lies a harsh truth: recent polls suggest that Biden is not performing as well as he did at this point in the 2020 election cycle, with Trump holding a slight lead in the RealClearPolitics polling average.

With the 2024 election drawing closer, the debates over immigration, foreign policy, and economic priorities will intensify, setting the stage for a contentious and crucial competition that will profoundly influence America's domestic and global paths for years to come. In the midst of this political storm, Biden stands at a crossroads, every action and word under intense scrutiny, as the nation stands on the brink of a defining moment in its history.