Desperate Attack: Leftist Media Targets Justice Alito with Flimsy Flag Controversy
Glenn Gilmour, 5/17/2024The liberal media jackals are frothing over a trivial flag incident involving Justice Alito's wife, desperate to manufacture a "scandal" and impugn his integrity. But true patriots see through their crocodile tears - this is merely the left's opening salvo in their war against constitutional conservatives on the Supreme Court!
The liberal media jackals are frothing at the mouth over a non-story about Justice Samuel Alito -- proof positive of their desperation to tar and feather conservative champions on the Supreme Court! The New York Times and their ilk published breathless reports about an upside-down American flag spotted outside Alito's Virginia home weeks after the January 6th Capitol incident. "According to US code for the flag, it should never be displayed upside down 'except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.'" They shriek in faux outrage, conveniently omitting that the law contains no penalties for such displays.
Why the histrionics over a mere flag? Because the leftist hacks are grasping at straws to manufacture a "scandal" and impugn Alito's integrity as he weighs critical cases tied to the 2020 election and January 6th. They desperately want to create the impression of "bias" and sow doubts about his impartiality. One "ethics expert" quoted by the Times had the audacity to claim the inverted flag is "the equivalent of putting a 'Stop the Steal' sign in your yard" -- a vile insult to a jurist of Alito's caliber.

But the truth, as Alito himself affirmed, is far more innocuous: "It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs." The liberal cesspool that is Northern Virginia saw fit to harass the Alito family for years with vile anti-Trump signage and even hurl profane insults at Mrs. Alito during a neighborhood squabble. Is it any wonder the woman was "distraught" and felt compelled to make a brief symbolic statement?
"I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag," Justice Alito reiterated. But the media mobsters don't care about facts or context -- all they want is a juicy controversy to feed the ravenous anti-conservative masses. Leftist Senator Dick Durbin bleated that the flag incident "clearly creates the appearance of bias" -- rich words from a partisan hack who would scream bloody murder if a liberal justice's spouse faced harassment from MAGA neighbors.
Make no mistake, this coordinated hit job is the left's opening salvo in a broader war against the Supreme Court's conservative wing. Having lost the ability to rely on specious legal theories like "penumbras" and unwritten "made-up rights," the extremists now seek to delegitimize constitutionalist justices through personal smears and innuendo. It's a desperate ploy from a movement terrified of losing its grip on power.

We mustn't let the left's crocodile tears and faux outrage obscure the truth -- that Samuel Alito is a stalwart defender of the Constitution being targeted for his principled jurisprudence. His wife's momentary flag display pales in comparison to the vicious harassment the couple has endured from deranged liberal mobs. This non-troversy is merely a preview of the left's scorched-earth campaign against true constitutional conservatives. Prepare for more shrieking, more lies, and more baseless attacks from the radical left as their stranglehold over our nation's highest court continues to slip. Justice Alito won't be cowed by such infantile tactics -- and neither should any principled American patriot!