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Ex-NY Governor Cuomo Exposes 'Offensive' Political Prosecutions Against Trump, Reveals Cases Driven by 2024 Ambitions

Nathan Rivero, 6/23/2024Ex-NY Governor questions prosecutions of Trump as politically motivated, threatens democracy
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In a candid interview with HBO's Bill Maher, Cuomo didn't mince words. "Honestly, the attorney general's case in New York should never have seen the light of day," Cuomo asserted, criticizing the hush money charges that resulted in Trump facing 34 counts of falsifying business records. "If his name wasn't Donald Trump and if he wasn't eyeing the presidency—as a former A.G. of New York, I can assure you, that case would never have made it to court."

Cuomo's outspoken stance strikes a chord with many of Trump's supporters and Americans who view these legal proceedings as politically motivated assaults. "That's what's truly unsettling," Cuomo added, "and rightfully so, because if there's one thing we must uphold, it's faith in our justice system."

Maher agreed, expressing his doubts about the hush money case. "I don't think they should've brought that one. It was just always going to look like a sex case, and people were always just going to look at it that way." He even pointed out the unexpected financial boost Trump received following the charges, dubbing it "the greatest fundraising bonanza ever."

But Cuomo didn't stop at the hush money case. He also criticized the civil case brought by Attorney General James, suggesting it, too, was politically motivated. "If his name was not Donald Trump and if he wasn't running for president—as the former A.G. of New York, I'm telling you, that case would have never been brought."

Cuomo's insights are a stark reminder of the importance of impartiality in the justice system. "And you want to talk about a threat to democracy," Cuomo emphasized, "when you have this country believing you're playing politics with the justice system and you're trying to put people in jail or convict them for political reasons, then we have a real problem."

As these legal battles continue, Cuomo's revelations underscore the potential political motivations behind the prosecutions against Trump. Whether these insights will shift public opinion or impact the outcome of these high-stakes cases remains to be seen. What is clear, however, is that the perceived weaponization of the justice system for political ends, as highlighted by Cuomo, poses a serious threat to the democratic values at the core of the nation.