Exposed: Hunter Biden's Orwellian Tactics to Bury Laptop Evidence Revealed in Shocking Report

Glenn Gilmour, 4/30/2024Hunter Biden's desperate attempts to suppress the damning evidence from his infamous laptop reek of a cornered man trying to escape accountability. His lawyers' threats against media outlets reporting on the laptop's contents are a smokescreen to hide his shady dealings and betrayal of the public trust. The truth will prevail, no matter how hard the Biden clan tries to whitewash it.
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"FOX knows that these private and confidential images were hacked, stolen, and/or manipulated digital material," Hunter Biden's attorneys fumed in a recent letter to Fox News, demanding the network remove explicit photos and videos from its platforms. The brazen missive represents the latest salvo in the first son's scorched-earth legal and PR campaign to smear his critics and whitewash the damning evidence against him.

Make no mistake -- this is a desperate ploy to suppress the truth and shield the Biden family from accountability. The so-called "hacked" materials in question originate from Hunter's infamous laptop, which he recklessly abandoned at a Delaware repair shop in 2019. Far from being "stolen" or "manipulated," the laptop's contents were confirmed authentic by federal authorities and exhaustively verified by credible journalists.

"The chain of custody of that laptop has been well established," Miranda Devine of the New York Post rightly affirmed, eviscerating Hunter's ludicrous claims of foul play. The Justice Department itself confirmed the laptop data matches what was obtained via search warrant from Hunter's own iCloud account. So much for the "hacked" narrative peddled by Biden's legal goons.

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But why stop there? While threatening lawsuits against media outlets like Fox, Hunter conveniently ignores the tidal wave of criminality implicated by the laptop files -- from rampant drug abuse and salacious debauchery to flagrant tax evasion and potential FARA violations involving foreign oligarchs. "We hereby demand that FOX take immediate steps to update its readers and viewers that the source of these allegations has been federally indicted for fabricating the allegations," his lawyers ominously warn, referring to an FBI informant whose credibility was challenged.

Yet even a cursory review of the laptop's contents vindicates the core allegations against Hunter -- namely, his peddling of the Biden name to enrich himself through shadowy foreign business dealings, potentially implicating his father in corrupt pay-to-play schemes. Conveniently, Team Biden remains utterly mum about the bribery allegations leveled by that same informant before his indictment.

Let's not mince words: Hunter Biden is a debauched grifter who exploited his family connections for personal gain while leaving a trail of shady dealings in his wake -- all dutifully chronicled within the laptop's damning files. Now, as prosecutors close in with tax and gun charges, he's lashing out with Orwellian attempts to "unperson" the evidence and criminalize free speech.

"The majority of states' laws against the nonconsensual disclosure of sexually explicit images and videos, sometimes referred to as 'revenge porn' laws," were broken, Hunter's pitbull attorneys claim. But this tortured interpretation twists the law beyond recognition -- the laptop was Hunter's own property, its files fair game for media scrutiny given the acute public interest at stake.

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Don't be fooled by the smokescreen. Biden's latest antics reek of desperation from a deeply compromised man increasingly cornered by his own misdeeds. No matter how many threatening letters his lawyers spew or how fervently the liberal media runs interference, the truth has a way of emerging. And for Hunter Biden, that truth is an ugly one indeed -- a sordid tale of vice, greed, and the ultimate betrayal of American decency at the altar of personal indulgence.

The American people deserve full transparency, not Orwellian cover-ups perpetrated by the powerful and connected. Let the sunlight in, and may justice be served without fear or favor. "We hereby demand..." Biden huffs -- but it's we, the citizens, who demand accountability from the ruling class that has schemed and lied for far too long.