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Iran's Cyber Tentacles Reach Deep into U.S. Election: Intelligence Community Sounds Alarm

Glenn Gilmour, 8/20/2024Iran targets 2024 U.S. election with cyberattacks; intelligence agencies warn of foreign interference threat.
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In a startling revelation, U.S. intelligence agencies have found that Iran is actively working to interfere in the 2024 presidential election. They’re deploying a mix of cyberattacks and covert influence tactics to disrupt American democracy.

The FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency have all reported that Iran’s aim is to create division and undermine trust in our democratic institutions. Their efforts are growing more aggressive, targeting not only former President Trump’s campaign but also key individuals from both major political parties.

Recent cyberattacks linked to Iran against Trump’s campaign show just how serious this interference is. Iran is using a variety of tactics, including hacking, data theft, and spreading misinformation, to try to sway the election. This situation underscores the sophisticated and dangerous methods our adversaries are using to disrupt the integrity of our democracy.

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In response, the Trump campaign has condemned Iran’s actions. Spokesperson Steven Cheung stated, "The Iranians are aware that President Trump will put an end to their destructive actions just as he did during his first term. Any media outlet that republishes these documents or internal communications is aiding America's adversaries."

While the intelligence community's statement does not specify countermeasures, it is clear: "We will not tolerate foreign interference in our elections, including attacks on American political campaigns." This firm stance reaffirms the United States’ commitment to protecting its democratic process.

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The intelligence community is urging everyone to use strong passwords, secure email, keep software updated, and enable multi-factor authentication to stay safe from these threats.

Iran’s actions remind us that protecting democracy is an ongoing effort. As we head into the 2024 election, it's important for everyone to stay alert and trust that our defenders are working hard to keep our election process secure.