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Kennedy Family Feud: Biden Endorsement Sparks Rebuke from Rebel RFK Jr.

Glenn Gilmour, 4/18/2024The Kennedy dynasty has taken a dramatic stance, with most members endorsing Biden's re-election bid while disavowing their own kin, RFK Jr.'s, independent run. This dynastic clash showcases the depths of family divide and the complexities of political allegiance within American royalty.
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In a striking display of familial divide and political allegiance, over a dozen members of the iconic Kennedy dynasty gathered in Philadelphia to emphatically endorse President Joe Biden's re-election bid -- a move that served as a brazen rebuke of their own flesh and blood, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose independent White House run has sent shockwaves through the Democratic establishment.

With Kerry Kennedy, the daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy, leading the charge, the family rally became a full-throated celebration of Biden's presidency and a scathing condemnation of their rebellious relative. "President Biden has been a champion for all the rights and freedoms that my father and uncles stood for," Kerry declared, invoking the legacies of John F. Kennedy and her father. "That's why nearly every single grandchild of Joe and Rose Kennedy supports Joe Biden. That's right, the Kennedy family endorses Joe Biden for president."

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The spectacle unfolded mere months after the Kennedys had branded RFK Jr.'s candidacy "perilous for our country" -- a sentiment echoed by Kerry as she excoriated Donald Trump's "outrageous lies and behavior" that would have "horrified my father." Her words carried the weight of a family torn asunder, its most prominent members aligning themselves with the establishment figure they deem the lesser of two evils.

For Biden, the endorsement represented a momentous political victory -- a symbolic embrace from American royalty that transcended party lines. "It's an incredible honor," he gushed, hailing it as the "most meaningful introduction" he'd ever received, save for one from his own sibling. Yet even in this moment of triumph, the specter of RFK Jr. loomed large, with Biden lambasting Trump's "vision of anger, hate, revenge and retribution" while warning that the former president has "promised to be a dictator on day one."

Caught in the crossfire of this dynastic clash is RFK Jr. himself, whose maverick bid has cast him as a pariah within his own lineage. In a poignant tweet preceding the Philadelphia event, he acknowledged the rift with grace: "I hear some of my family will be endorsing President Biden today. I am pleased they are politically active -- it's a family tradition. We are divided in our opinions but united in our love for each other."

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The bitter irony, however, is that this very "family tradition" of political engagement -- a mantle he has willingly embraced -- has now turned against him. As Kerry Kennedy pointedly remarked, "In 2024 there are only two candidates with any chance of winning" -- a thinly veiled swipe at her brother's long-shot campaign.

For the Kennedys, the Philadelphia endorsement represented a bold gambit -- a strategic alignment with the establishment figure they view as the lesser evil, even as they risk alienating a scion of their own bloodline. Whether this calculated risk pays dividends or further fractures the family remains to be seen. But in the high-stakes game of presidential politics, the Kennedys have made their move -- and the consequences, both personal and national, are sure to reverberate for years to come.