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Trump's VP Search Heats Up as Convention Nears: High-Stakes Vetting for MAGA Running Mates

Nathan Rivero, 6/6/2024Trump's VP hunt intensifies as GOP convention nears, top contenders emerge
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Trump's Campaign Accelerates Search for Running Mate as Convention Nears

As the big event, the Republican Party's convention where they pick their top candidate, gets closer, Donald Trump's team is working harder to choose who might run with him as vice president. They're asking potential partners for a lot of paperwork, showing they're really serious about this. The convention's happening soon in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, less than six weeks from now, so they're feeling the pressure to make a decision.

Some of the people they're thinking about for this important role include Doug Burgum, who's the Governor of North Dakota, Marco Rubio, a Senator from Florida, and JD Vance, another Senator but from Ohio. Trump himself talked about these folks in an interview, also mentioning Ben Carson, who used to work with him in the government.

But there are more names on the list too, according to insiders. They're also checking out Tom Cotton from Arkansas, Tim Scott from South Carolina, and some rising stars in the Republican Party like Byron Donalds from Florida and Elise Stefanik from New York.

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When reporters asked Donalds about this, he didn't want to say much, keeping it all a secret. That shows how careful they're being about this whole process, knowing that letting the cat out of the bag too soon could cause trouble.

The list of potential partners might change as time goes on, but it'll get shorter as we get closer to the convention. Trump hasn't said exactly when he'll announce his pick, but he's hinted it might be right before or even during the big event in Milwaukee.

The process of picking someone is really serious. They're asking the possible candidates for a ton of paperwork and personal info to make sure they know everything they need to know. It's a big deal because the person they choose might end up being the next president if something happens to Trump.

Trump's team isn't giving away any details about who they're considering or when they'll make a decision. They want everyone to know that unless Trump himself says something, nobody really knows what's going on.

With the convention coming up and so much at stake, Trump's team is being super thorough in their search for the perfect partner. They need someone who shares Trump's ideas and can help keep the movement going strong. As they dig deeper into this process, the excitement and guessing games among supporters and critics are only going to get more intense.